How To
The Ultimate Guide To Caring For Your Extensions

If you are anything like us and are looking for 100% real human hair when purchasing hair extensions, you may be questioning how much time, effort and care go into these types of hair. Here's the good news... it's super easy & effortless when it comes to caring for your extensions. A little extra TLC is just fine. Our ideal set of extensions is ones that you don't have to constantly repurchase, and certainly ones that look natural and luscious.
The ultimate guide to caring for your BFB Extensions, below! ⬇️
Keep washing to a minimum
Here's the bottom line, keep washing to a minimum, please. If you are over washing your clip-in extensions, or your actual hair, things may start to look dry, dull & frizzy.. Things we want to avoid! No, we're not saying you can never wash your extensions, we agree that would be gross. But more so keep in mind, the less the better. If you are noticing product buildup, grease or oil, it may be time to give things a good wash. But if you are simply just washing to change the style from curled to straight, you may want to think twice! No need to wash in between styles, the best part about our extensions is that they are 100% real human hair. Feel free to curl & straighten away, just make sure to use a heat protectant beforehand and set hot tools to 350.
Hot tool tips
Using your hot tools (curling iron, flat iron, etc) on any of your sets (Classic Set, Fill-Ins, No-Show, UP) is not only okay, but fully recommended! All of our hair is 100% real human Remy hair, meaning hot tools are in fact okay. There are just a few tips to keep in mind before you go ahead and fire up that straightener.
- Set hot tools to 350 degrees or lower
- Always ALWAYS use a heat protectant beforehand
- Finish things off with an oil to seal the cuticle
*BFB Tip: If you can, air drying is best opposed to blow drying. Try to avoid using a blow dryer on your extensions to reduce excess frizz & puffiness.*
Traveling + Storage
When it comes to storing your extensions overnight, laying them out to dry, or traveling across the country with your BFB HAIR, we have you covered on all ends! If you don't already have a BFB Hanger, you may want to think twice. Not only is this handy dandy hanger ideal for laying out your extensions to dry after giving them a fresh wash, but it overall makes styling your extensions easier & timely. No more wondering where you're supposed to hang your extensions, or throwing them in a drawer.
Traveling anytime soon? Good, because we have the BFB Everywhere Bag. Perfect for not only your extensions on-the-go, but all of your go-to hair, makeup, and beauty products will fit right on in.
Extra TLC
Just like we do treatments & hair masks on our hair, your extensions may need the same! Here are some of our top tips:
-Leave in conditioners for detangling + heat protectant
-Hair oils for shine, moisture & sealing the cuticle
-Hair masks for extra moisture
-Lay off the heat if needed!
BFB Hair Team 💜