How To

Blending Short Hair With Clip-In Hair Extensions

Posted by Amberly Crast ยท

Blending Short Hair With Clip-In Hair Extensions

A question we get ALL the time, "I have shoulder length hair, will the extensions still work for me?!". YES. Even those of us with short locks or a bob, you most definitely can still wear clip-in extensions. Don't let the worry of not being able to blend keep you away from extensions.. They will be your new bestie! โœจ๐Ÿ’œ

Sweet Cola 21" Classic Set

Blending tips from the bfb team:

- Try braiding a section of hair underneath & pinning up with a bobby pin. This will ultimately take away a section of hair for a better blend.

- Get your extensions professionally blended! We all have a unique cut and style, your extensions may need to be matched.

- Try the 24" Classic Set. While it is longer, it is technically more grams of hair so better suited for those of us with thicker hair or a blunt cut.

Watch how Alexis transformed her short bob to long locks using the 21" Classic Set below! โฌ‡๏ธโฌ‡๏ธ



BFB Hair Team

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