How To
What Sunscreen Should I Be Using This Summer?

PSA: The sunscreen you are using could be damaging your hair! If you have dyed blonde hair or frequently wear clip-in hair extensions, listen up! Blondes who dye their hair are susceptible to discoloration, especially when it comes to sunscreen. Taking care of your hair + your BFB Extensions in the summer is crucial to keep them looking silky smooth. Save these tips below for your next beach vacay! ⬇️⬇️
Shade Shown: Beige Blonde
What can sunscreen do to your hair?
All of our blondies!!! Believe it or not, but sunscreen can actually leave those blonde locks looking extra brassy or orange. A look we are not going for this summer. It is important to stray away from ingredients like Avobenzone & Octocrylene in your sunscreen. Not only will ingredients like that cause discoloration, but chlorine is not your friend. Take extra care of your hair & your BFB Extensions in the hot summer months!
Summer Hair Tips to Revive Dry Hair
Extension-safe sunscreens
Sun Bum Mineral Sunscreen, $17.49
Coola Mineral Sunscreen Spray, $32
Taking care of your extensions in the summer:
🧴Avoid sunscreen with ingredients: Avobenzone & Octocrylene
🧴Chlorine is not your friend! It’s harsh on your natural hair and even more so on your extensions. When your done swimming, immediately wash your hair!
🧴 Keep extensions silky & shiny with these 5 tips from the BFB Team!
🧴 Keep washing extensions to a minimum! How + when to wash your BFB extensions
Shade Shown: Sandalwood
BFB Hair Team