How To
Morning Routine For Your Hair

The amount of information online about what you should and shouldn't be doing to your hair, plus all of the different products on the market, starting a haircare routine can be so confusing and daunting. It's like, "Where do I even start?". But here's the thing, starting off simple is great too. Doing your hair shouldn't and doesn't have to be this big to do! Especially in the mornings. Today we are getting get back to the basics. What should I be doing to my hair in the mornings? What products are best, if anything? We have all aspects covered in this one blog post, so keep reading for all the deets! Time to start a morning haircare routine for extra healthy locks.
Step #1: Let's cleanse!
If its hair wash day, it's time to cleanse! Remember, it is best to go at least a day or two in between washes, but the longer the better. We like to add in cleansing into your morning routine since it's not ideal to sleep on wet hair. If you are extra prepared, you can wash + style your hair at night before bed! Read more about how to properly sleep on wet hair here.
Step #2: Seal the cuticle
Not only will conditioning your hair help detangle and make brushing easier (less breakage), but it also helps seal the cuticle. If you are someone who likes to use hot tools on your hair, it's important to seal your hairs cuticle!
Want to learn how to properly wash your BFB Extensions? Click below!
Step #3: Detangle
After shampooing and conditioning, it's important to detangle. Spritz some leave-in conditioner throughout your hair and begin combing through! Using a leave-in helps detangle locks as well as smooth excess frizz. Most leave-ins nowadays have a heat protectant in it as well, 2-in-one!
Step #4: Prime & protect!
This step is only necessary if you are using heat tools (flat iron, curling iron, blow-dryer)!! Always always make sure to prep hair before styling with your favorite hot tool, it's crucial! It's easy too, all you need is a heat protectant and you are good to go. Like we mentioned previously, most leave-in conditioners have heat protectants in it as well. If you want to keep hair smooth, shiny & healthy, you'll want a heat protectant. If you like the let your hair dry, skip to the next step!
Step #5: Moisture boost
If you are letting your hair dry, or styling with hot tools, you need a hair oil. Finish off your look by adding a little bit of moisture back in. A simple dime sized amount is plenty, and keep to the ends of your hair. Try to avoid the roots to reduce the look of greasy hair. And if things are feeling extra dry, start hair oiling your scalp + strands before bed.
Check out our top 5 drugstore hair oils below!
BFB Hair Team