How To
What Will Winter Do To Your Hair?

No matter what type of hair you have, chances are you know what the winter months entail.. Dry, brittle, frizzy locks. And it isn't the prettiest of sites. The cold weather can be dreamy and all, but it's also really hard on your hair. As we stated in a previous blog post products for dry winter hair, your hair is super similar to your skin. As soon as the weather turns from hot to cold, our skin and hair tend to take a toll. It dries itself out and the last thing we need is you walking around with frizzy locks!
Frizz & dryness
You thought frizzy hair only occurred during the summer or when its super humid outside? You thought wrong. Cold weather and keeping your AC heat on will to do it for ya. Hair will automatically get frizzy when there are moisture changes in the air, like winter rolling in. Whats the best way to tame frizz? Hydrate hydrate hydrate.
Need some product to keep that dry winter hair at bay? Click below for some of our favs at the moment!
Take care of your scalp
It all starts with your scalp. Cold air, dry indoor heat, winter winds... It can all lead to moisture loss on your scalp. And believe it or not, if your scalp isn't healthy, neither will the rest of your hair. Take care of your scalp by using a weekly scalp scrubber or mask. Read more tips here on scalp health, because Scalp Health Is Important Too... Don't skip out on it.
Turn up the moisture
Moisture, moisture, moisture, and some more moisture please! These are the months where you really need to be locking in moisture, because your hair needs it. A hair oil is magic in a bottle, especially in the cold months. Keeps frizz at bay, adds shine & retains moisture. Curious about some of our favorite drugstore hair oils? Ones that are both affordable and beneficial. Read more about our Top 5 Favorite Drugstore Hair Oils before you splurge on a pricier one!
Turn down the hot tools
First off, read our blog post on Blow-Drying 101: Choosing The Right Temp. No need to be sizzling away strands in the cold months. Try out some new heatless hairstyles, and just let your hair be! If you feel you have to style your hair on a daily basis, at least give your hair 2-3 days off a week, you need to let strands breathe!!
Organize all of your hair products with The BFB Everywhere Bag. Grab a gold or a green one for your next travel destination! 🤩🤩
BFB Hair Team